Health Benefits Of Organic Milk To Human And Livestock.

Organic milk is a products, milk that is produce from the livestock and more to this is that milk has to come from those livestock that was raised in according to the rules of the organic farming methods of a dominion.

Organic Milk

Some may not know the important benefits in taking organic milk ofcaus yes, and also how it is difference from the confessional produce milk. Many may ought to ague though, about the health benefits of organic milk to human and livestock but before any further due let me break this down here, I believe that by the end of this post you are going to decide on weather it is of more benefit or rather than not to consume.

Organic Milk
Organic Milk

what is organic?

Organic milk is a products, milk that is produce from the livestock and more to this is that milk has to come from those livestock that was raised in according to the rules of the organic farming methods of a dominion.

What that actually referring to in the sense is that, cows must be bred correctly in healthy manner and in according to their own natural cycle, it also indulge, not to injecting animal with drugs or in other way round trying to simulate the normal and natural process.

why organic milk is different from conventional milk.

  • Livestock organic products milk must come from cows that are not treated with an antibiotics.
  • Livestock organic products milk must come from cows that are pasteurised. They must had received at least 30% of their pasture from up to 120 days out the year.
  • Livestock organic products milk must come from cows that had not been given reproduction and or any hormones growth also known as “HG” of any sought.
  • Livestock organic products milk must come from cows that was respected and treated humanely.
  • Cows must be bred correctly in good healthy manner and in according to their own natural cycle.

what its really takes for an organic milk to be organic?

If we really wanted to look at it down the bottom for sure it is true that for an organic milk to really be organic it has to follow all the rules that follows.

For example in some parts of the globe as it was regulated by the food authority, organic milk has to be Bio, and Eco.

Other general regulations that stipulate organic milks that are includes:

  • Livestock must be fed organically.
  • Livestock must not be treated badly or with drugs.
  • Livestock must be allow to graze.
  • Livestock must be treated humanely.
  • Livestock most be fed with a certified organic fodder.
  • Livestock fed may base compound feed.

Health Benefits of organic milk to livestock.

Thus to the rigorous practised of the ethical rules and regulation that follows, the practices are very strict that make organic farm owners to be more discipline and to acquired more awareness about the diseases feeding, housing and the good management of the livestock into a serious consideration.

Good and correct animal welfare, livestock, cows on organic farms now live more healthier, happier and lives more alive more than those that are within the mass productive farms.

With overcrowded livestock’s are subjected to the diseases, malnutrition and at the end death. So, with the rules that apply of being organic it really of benefit and help for the livestocks.

Health benefits of organic milk to human.

  • It is antibiotics free.

Organic milk is produce without antibiotics and 90 percent of all normal organic farms do not use pesticides which very of great beneficiary to the humans health.

  • It is rich of high omega 3 content.

Organic milk has more vitamins E and beta-carotene which are benefits for a healthy immune system, a research from the Liverpool university argue that the semi skimmed and whole organic milk contain 68 per cent higher lever of omega 3 fatty acids which very important for humans health.

  • It help to reduce eczema.

Up to 36 percent of eczema in human reduced when consuming organic milk. A research carried out by the British journal of nutrition showed that the rates of eczema in children was said to be reduced.

  • It is produced without pesticides.

Pesticides are very common within the non organic and conventional milk WAY?….is that due to the how they fed the livestock in non organic farm. organic milk is of no pesticides products milk they has no and or very low exposure to the pesticides.

  • Organic milk last more longer.

Organic milk is put through a process called a ultra high temperature which is also known as “UHT” because of the distance in the distribution time with this, in which kills the bacteria and will also slightly change the taste of the milk, sweeten it. It is said to last for at list 3 to 4 weeks.

  • Organic breed + animal welfare = ECO

Organic prosecutes is animal welfare process which Leads to the Eco this above formula shows that livestock lives more healthier and longer in an organic farms with the practise of the ethical rules and regulations which leads to be Eco Friendly .


what is an ECO?

It is an abbreviation for ecology and the system of relationships between living things and the environment, according to the ISO International Organisation for Standardisation, but if the terms ” ECO-friendly” is added to services or products it means that, its not harmful or effects on living things.


With the general law in in place to guide and make sure that livestock farmers are in reguler with them in production of organic milk. It is illegal to byproduct, animals slaughter and treated them with drugs, it also an illegal though to denied them the necessary drugs to prevent them from the sickness just to maintain livestocks from organic-state. So, to come to the stable conclusion of it,

Challenges and Obstacles regarding farming and possible safety and health benefits from consuming organic milk.

  • It is very expensive to operate.
  • According to the 2012 meta-analysis of the scientific literature there is no significant differences in vitamin content of organic and that of conventional, plants and order animals.
  • Lack of clinical studies.
  • Conflicting and differences in studies about the nutrient contents between organic milk and conventional milk the available in studies.
  • The treatment like ULTRA-HEAT TREATMENT used after the initial gathering may change the chemical composition.
  • 2012 met-analysis concluded that the evidence for the superiority of organic milk doesn’t suggest any health benefits from consuming organic or conventional milk.
  • Chemical composition may change due to the transport conditions.
  • Difficulties in measuring the chemical differences between organic milk and non organic milk thereby it is difficult to actually know the health benefits.
  • It leads to less milk per cow in organic farm produce.



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3 thoughts on “Health Benefits Of Organic Milk To Human And Livestock.”

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