How To Correctly Perform Standing Shrugs.

Grab the dumbbells with your hands at the shoulder-width apart slowly raise your shoulders upwards as high as you can toward your ears, rotate them backwards and down and repeat

Train and extend the size of your back, neck and shoulders with standing shrugs back exercise.

Standing shrug is also known as compound movement it is a great exercise that help to train the neck and traps muscles. It can be performed using barbell or dumbbells it can also be performed with the shrug machine.

I will be taking you on this post through the process and how to use this exercise to train and build a strong back at ease.

The Standing shrugs is one of the efficient back exercise to train and build strong back, it is great exercise to train your upper back and partially also give more strength at the lower part of the body.

Standing shrugs can be perform using the barbell standding forward from keeping your back straight and withouth bending your knees. It is an excellent exercise for the back, neck and trapezius muscle.

How to perform standing shrugs using the dumbbells!

Position yourself in correct position and stand straight with your feet planted firmly with your shoulder width apart.

Then grab the dumbbells with your hands at the shoulder-width apart. Your knees slightly bent.

Keep the bar held at straight arms length with a slight bent in your arms without hollow your back.

standing shrugs
standing shrugs

Then, slowly raise your shoulders upwards as high as you can toward your ears, rotate them backwards and down carefully, don’t overweight yourself so that yoo would be able to controled well when performing.

The up motion should be slightly slower than the lower motion.

Be concentrate focus and control the weight it must not fall off of your hands. Then, repeat the process again to your desired reps.

Precautions steps to take when performing standing shrugs.

Positioned yourself verywell and do not hollow your back.

Keep your back straight.

Do not hollow your back when performing the exercise.

Use an overhand grip.

Slowly lower and lift slowly.

The weight must not fall off or stray away from your hands.

Concentrated and be focus.

Benefits in performing standing shrug.

Standing shrug using is an exercise that help to train the neck muscles.

It help to train and gives you strong back.

It is one of the great exercise that build your back.

It help to strengthen and build upper back.

It help to partially train lower back so more strength.

It help to build a good back shape.

It help for more strength muscle.

It help to train your traps muscles.

It is good for trapezius isolations.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Barbell Bent Over Rows.

Position yourself place the bar on the floor in front of yourself, bend forward from the hips and keep your back flat and slightly bending your knees stand with your feet parallel and with your shoulder-width apart.

Slowly lift the bar away from the the floor and position yourself the for this exercise is an overhand grip, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, your torso should be parallel to the ground and your arms should be fully extended.

Train and extend the size of your back with barbel bent over rows.

The barbell bent-over rows is an effective back exercise to train and build more back muscles, it is great exercise to train upper back and also partially train give more strength at the lower back too. Barbell bent-over also known as compound movement it is a great exercise for the neck, traps muscles.

It can be performed using barbell or dumbbells its can also be performed with the universal machine bench press. Barbell bent-over is an excellent training exercise for the back, neck and trapezius muscle.

when you are using barbell bend, forward from the hips and keeping your back flat and slightly bend your knees. It is advised not to over weight yourself, keep focuse and concentrate throught. put your safty belt on to prevent yoor back from injuries.

How to perform the barbell bentover barbell rows.

Position yourself place the bar on the floor in front of yourself, bend forward from the hips and keep your back flat and slightly bending your knees stand with your feet parallel and with your shoulder-width apart.

Slowly lift the bar away from the the floor and position yourself the for this exercise is an overhand grip, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, your torso should be parallel to the ground and your arms should be fully extended.

Barbell Bent Over Rows
Barbell Bent Over Rows

Pull the bar towards your lower chest slowly until it touches the lower part of the your rib cage, hold the position for a second ot 2 before lower the bar to the starting position then, exhale as you go. The up motion should be slightly slower than the lower motion. keep concentration and focus on lifting the weight then, repeat the process to your desired reps.

Precautions to take when performing bent-over barbell rows.

Keep your back flat throughtout.

Slightly bend your knees do not hollow your back when performing the exercise.

Grab the bar with an overhand grip and make your hands slightly wider than the shoulder-length.

Positioned yourself verry well and do not hollow back.

Slowly lower and lift slowly.

Don’t be too fast move move slowly.

Put on your safety weight lifting belt to protect your back from injuries.

Hold the up position for a second or 2 before lower back.

The up motion should be slightly slower that the down motion.

Be concentrated and be focus.

The bar should not fall off or stray away from your hands.

Benefits in performing barbell bent-over rows.

The bent-over barbell row help to train and boost more strong back.

It is one of the great exercise that help build back.

You can strengthen and build your upper back.

It help to train and strenghen lower back the partially.

It give you a good back shape.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Best Way To Train Back- DeadLift Idealist Back Exercise.

Deadlift is a great back back exercise, it is one the best exercise to train back for more strength stronger healthier

DeadLift for your back exercise guide.

Deadlift is a great back back exercise, it is one the best exercise to train back for more strength back it also help to make it healthier .

Its help boost more extra testosterone and also help pump up the whole of body, your back , butt, arms, forearms, shoulders,traps, and your abdominals.

Deadlifts is the best exercise to get bulked up quickly and boost more testosterone. This exercise must be performed properly in a way it suppose to be. You may need to be supervised by an expert or personal trainer.

Deadlift performance and guide.

position yourself very well stand straight with your feet, your hip distance apart from each-other and bend down like you are in sitting motion until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Make sure that your back is straight and your spine should be close to the neutral position as mush as you can.

So, grab the bar with an overhand grip on the bar , your hands should be slightly wider than your shoulder-width apart. Draw your abdominal muscle in ,and lift the bar slowly and painstakingly exhale as you go.


Remember hold that position for at list 2 to 3 seconds before return the weight to the floor.

Slightly push your hips forward to raise your torso so that you are standing tall with your arms by your sides and the bar resting on your thighs.

The weight should not fall or stray away from your hands, you must be in control do not let the weight control you. Put on your weight belt so to prevent yourself and your back from getting hurt. Repeat the process for your desire repetitions.

Precautions and safety guide to take when performing deadlift

Put on your weight back safety belt on when performing this exercise to prevent your back from injuries or getting hurt.

Keep your back straight and do not hollow your-back during the exercise. Make sure that your back is straight and also remember to keep your spine close to the neutral position.

Make an overhand grip.

The grip for this performance should an overhand where your fingers is pointing down and make you return the bar slowly and painstakingly,do not create any momentum or any difficulties.

Benefit in performing deadlift.

It helps to train the back muscles, it is one of the best back exercise that helps train back and helps making your back more healthier.

It also help release extra testosterone into your body and makes your back wider and more ticker.

Dead-lifts help to train almost the whole body and your back, it is one of the all in one back exercise that train your butt , arms, traps, and your abs. Deadlifts also train your forearms, shoulders,traps,and your legs.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

How To Do Pull Down Behind Neck!

The pull down behind the neck is one of the great exercise that help to train dorsal for more strength at your back. and you can also make your back more huge with this exercise. it is one of the best exercise to train back effectively well. this exercise gives more to your back.

The pull down behind the neck is one of the great exercise that help to train dorsal for more strength at your back. and you can also make your back more huge with this exercise. it is one of the best exercise to train back effectively well. this exercise gives more to your back.

This exercise is best performed with the universal pull-down bar machine. Be focus and concentrated throughout the performance of the exercise.

The pull-down behind the neck is one of the most important back exercise to train and strengthen your latissimus dorsi muscle.

How to perform pull down behind the neck!

Take a correct position for yourself sit down under a pull-down bar grab the bar with approximately two shoulder widths apart.

Your back should be straight and vertical under the pull-down bar. Do not lean forward too much when you pull down the bar so, that you can be able to extend your shoulder.

So, Pull down the bar slowly until it touches your neck or the top of your back . Do not elevate one shoulder more than the other, Don’t be too fast when pulling the bar down to your neck. Return to the beginning position slowly steadily and in a straight vertical line.

Mind you the up-motion should be slightly slower than the down-motion and extend your arms again inhale at the same time as you go.

You should be capable to control well the weight up and down do not create momentum or any difficulty that can jeopardize the Performance in the right way, you might need to be observed by an expert or your personal trainer.

Hold your hands tight to the bar don’t let the bar escape from your hand. Exhale as you pull down and rotate your arms back a little. Repeat the process again to your desire reps.

Precautions and safety steps to take when performing pull down behind the neck!

Keep a correct position and be focus and concentrate. keep your back straight and vertical under the pull-down bar and Pull down the bar until it touches your neck or the top of your back.

Perform the pull down behind the neck in correct way for more efficiency and do not create any difficulty for yourself, the up-motion must be slightly slower than the down-motion and you might need someone to supervise you or a trainer.

You have to be focus and don’t let the weight control you, the bar must be holding tight to your hands.

Health benefits in performing pull down behind the neck!

It helps to train and strengthen back. Pull down behind the neck is great exercise that helps strengthen back and it is one of the best exercise that also helps in training the latissimus dorsi.

It help to make back huge more and helps build the shoulder joint. Doing this exercise keep your back free and thereby reduce the back pain drastically.

Pull down behind the neck help your back and gives you more benefits that other back exercise thus.


standing shrug

barbell bent over

barbell side bend

triceps dip with one bench

reverse barbell curl standing

triceps and shoulder push up

reverse preacher curl

incline dumbbell curl

cable crossover

deadlift for back

barbell flat bench press

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

One Arm Dumbbell Row.

The one arm dumbbell row is an exercise to build and strengthen your isolate muscle and it also make your back more wider and stronger.

The one arm dumbbell row is an exercise to build and strengthen your isolate muscle and it also make your back more wider and stronger. It is one of the greatest back exercise that efficiently train your back, yes one arm dumbbell rows is very efficient for your back to get more effective training, strengthening your back or you want to make your back more stronger or wider.

You may need to be assisted by a personal trainer or one of your gym friend during the performance of this exercise sometimes. Be focus because this exercise should be perform properly and in a way it suppose to be performed.

 The one arm dumbbell rows is the one of best exercise for a better back. so, be concentrate during the performance do not create any difficulty or momentum or difficulty for yourself during the performance. The One arm dumbbell is a great exercise for the training and isolating the upper back and the middle back muscles .

How to exercise and maintain with one arm dumbbell row.

so, the first thing you will want to do is to position yourself properly while your right foot is flattened on the floor, resting your left knee on a flat bench your back flat and it should be almost parallel with the floor throughout the performance. Then, lean forward with your left arm on the bench you are going to be using your hand to supporting the weight off your upper body reach down.

Grab up a dumbbell with your right hand, your left arm should be locked at the elbow so with that it will support the weight of your upper body. Look straight forward don’t look down during the process and keep your back straight don’t hollow your back. Pull your elbow back as far as it can go tighten your abdominal.

To keep your body from turning to the side as you lift the dumbbell make sure that the dumbbell end up almost parallel with your torso. Then slowly lower it to the starting position and exhale. Focus and be concentrate when pulling don’t let the weight fall off or stray away from your hands. Complete the planned number of the reps for your right arm and repeat the same instructions for the left hand.

The safety guide to take when exercising the one arm dumbbell row.

Position yourself correctly and concentrate. Your position is very important when doing this exercise so, Position yourself very well to make good performance your right foot must be flat on the floor and your left

knee resting on flat bench your left arm should be locked at the elbow so that it will support the weight of your upper body make sure that the dumbbell end up almost parallel with your torso. Look straight ahead and do not look down tighten your abdominal to keep your body from turning. and lastly do not hollow your back.

Health benefits in one arm dumbbell rows.

Training your back is like doing good to yourself and with the exercise you are going to train and strengthen your back it is good for isolating the muscles of your upper and middle back it can boost your back more wider. The one arm dumbbell row also help in reducing back pain.


standing shrug

barbell bent over

barbell side bend

triceps dip with one bench

reverse barbell curl standing

triceps and shoulder push up

reverse preacher curl

incline dumbbell curl

cable crossover

deadlift for back

barbell flat bench press

EZ or barbell rollout

close grip chinup

barbell calf raise standing

Seated Cable Row!

The seated cable rows is one of the effective exercise to build a better back with this exercise you train and build a better back with more size.

The seated cable rows is one of the effective exercise to build a better back with this exercise you train and build a better back with more size. The Seated cable rows train and add more to the size of your back and can also make it more stronger by adding more strength to it it. This exercise is best performed with the low-pulley rowing machine. You may need to be supervised by your personal trainer or one of your friend at the gym.

Be focus and concentrate because the exercise must be performed properly the way it suppose to be performed. Do not create any momentum or any difficulty to yourself when performing this exercise. This exercise aiming at training and straightening your entire back. It is one of great the exercise that is very important to train, strengthen and add more size to your back. The Seated cable raw is back exercise.

How to train and add more side size to your back!

Let me work you trough how to perform this exercise. So, Position yourself well and tight keep your knee slightly bent while sitting down at a low-pulley rowing machine and make sure that your feet flat against the platform. Lean forward grasp the handles of the pulley in front of you, then bend just a little bit your waist, your palms should be facing each other, keep your back flat and look straight forward.

Then, draw back the handles to your stomach slowly and carefully while steadily and simultaneously leaning back at the waist until your torso is reaches your navel. Keep the movement under control, as you move your arms returning to the extended position, your back going slightly forward, and with your knees slightly bend.

Don’t let the weight control or draw you back front as your upper body reaches the upright position you should be in control throughout. The handles of the pulley should reach your stomach, hold the position for a second before returning back out. Repeat the process again prior to your desired of rep.

Seated Cable Row

The safety measures to take for the seated cable row.

position yourself and keep your feet flat Keep a correct position and make sure that this exercise is performed correctly your feet must be flat against the platform and your knees slightly bend your palms should be facing each other your back must be flat and you must be looking straight forward throughout the exercise.

Move slowly and be concentrated the movement should be slightly slow don’t move too fast, draw back the handles to your stomach slowly and carefully. The handles of the pulley should reach your stomach and hold the position for a second before returning back out.

Slowly pause while extending your arms in front of you until you return to the starting position, You might need to be supervised by an expert or a personal trainer. Be concentrate and keep the movement under control, your arms returning to the extended position, your back going slightly forward, and with your knees slightly bend.

The benefits in performing the seated cable row.

It train strengthen and add more size to the back. the seated cable row is a great exercise that aiming at training your entire back muscle it also straighten your back and if you are thinking of training your back or you wanted to make your back more stronger or add more size to it the , you should be doing seated cable rows. It helps making your back more wider it reduce the back pain making you physically fit.


standing shrug

barbell bent over

barbell side bend

triceps dip with one bench

reverse barbell curl standing

triceps and shoulder push up

reverse preacher curl

incline dumbbell curl

cable crossover

deadlift for back

barbell flat bench press

EZ or barbell rollout

close grip chinup

barbell calf raise standing

Back extension -Back Exercise.

The back extension is a back exercise that you can do to add more power to your back, it is one of the best exercise you have to add to your workout programs.

The back extension is a back exercise that you can do to add more power to your back, it is one of the best exercise you have to add to your workout programs. No, don’t you do away without caring out this exercise. It is one of the bets back exercise you can actually do tho without caring or lifting any weight to work it out. You use your body weight to train. Your aim here is to target your lower back which you are going to feel down there.

As you thoroughly lock both your legs very securely to the foot pad of the hyper-extension bench. You may not get the result if you don’t perform it correctly the way it should tho. Slowly and painstakingly you will have to go all the way be concentrated and focus remember. No any sort of cursing any difficulty to yourself . what is it that you need to do before the exercise? to get stated with this exercise you need a hyper-extension bench consisting the wide range of pad to rest your upper legs on with the padded. Regulate the the hyper extension bench first to your size in the sense that you can be able to target the lower part of your back.

How to do back extension!

Position yourself lie with your face down on the bench, your ankles should be hanged securely take care don’t let yourself down or fall off from the bench tight your back legs very well wright under the foot pads after you have adjusted the the hyper-extension you should be fit and secure on it. Your upper thighs should be lining flat across the wide pad at the front with that enough room has been given for you to be able to bend to your waist at ease without no difficulty. so lean your upper body forward to make sure that the pad you have made the proper adjustment in according to your size.

Then, return to the upright position while your body still on the straight line you can actually hold on to a disc if you fill like in front of yourself, don’t hollow your back or move your body all around the bench. Raise your torso upward slowly until your legs and upper body form strait line. concentrate focus yourself throughout the exercise. take your time and exhale don’t fall off from the bench hang your ankles very well onto the foot pads.

Back extension
back extension

So slowly bend forward at your waist as mush as possible for you while still keeping the back plat. Remember to be slowly when you go down and when you raise up the up position should be slight slower than the down position. Continue repeat the process again to your desire rep.

Safety steps to take during back extension.

Adjust the bench, keep a correct position and hang tight your ankles.

The first thing that you have to do before begging about the exercise is to adjust the hyper-extension the bench has to be regulated accurately according prior to your size. Then you are ready to go, your upper thigh should be lie secure tight flat across the wide pad and keep your back flat don’t round nor hollow your back throughout the exercise.

The slower the better

You may compromise the performance when you too fast on it. This exercise should be performed with full concentration slowly and steadily without momentum or difficulty to yourself . Slowly raise up and go back again slowly. The up position tho must be a little bit slower than the down process.

Health benefit in performing back extension.

It train and reduce the back pain.

It you really need to reduce some pain out of your back, it is one of the best exercise to reduce back pain. Back extension is one of the effective back exercise that help train and strengthening the lower back . It also help put more extension to your back. Perform more of back extensions during your routing workout to main and strength your back.


standing shrug

barbell bent over

barbell side bend

triceps dip with one bench

reverse barbell curl standing

triceps and shoulder push up

reverse preacher curl

incline dumbbell curl

cable crossover

deadlift for back

barbell flat bench press

EZ or barbell rollout

close grip chinup

barbell calf raise standing

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