How To Correctly Perform Standing Shrugs.

Grab the dumbbells with your hands at the shoulder-width apart slowly raise your shoulders upwards as high as you can toward your ears, rotate them backwards and down and repeat

Train and extend the size of your back, neck and shoulders with standing shrugs back exercise.

Standing shrug is also known as compound movement it is a great exercise that help to train the neck and traps muscles. It can be performed using barbell or dumbbells it can also be performed with the shrug machine.

I will be taking you on this post through the process and how to use this exercise to train and build a strong back at ease.

The Standing shrugs is one of the efficient back exercise to train and build strong back, it is great exercise to train your upper back and partially also give more strength at the lower part of the body.

Standing shrugs can be perform using the barbell standding forward from keeping your back straight and withouth bending your knees. It is an excellent exercise for the back, neck and trapezius muscle.

How to perform standing shrugs using the dumbbells!

Position yourself in correct position and stand straight with your feet planted firmly with your shoulder width apart.

Then grab the dumbbells with your hands at the shoulder-width apart. Your knees slightly bent.

Keep the bar held at straight arms length with a slight bent in your arms without hollow your back.

standing shrugs
standing shrugs

Then, slowly raise your shoulders upwards as high as you can toward your ears, rotate them backwards and down carefully, don’t overweight yourself so that yoo would be able to controled well when performing.

The up motion should be slightly slower than the lower motion.

Be concentrate focus and control the weight it must not fall off of your hands. Then, repeat the process again to your desired reps.

Precautions steps to take when performing standing shrugs.

Positioned yourself verywell and do not hollow your back.

Keep your back straight.

Do not hollow your back when performing the exercise.

Use an overhand grip.

Slowly lower and lift slowly.

The weight must not fall off or stray away from your hands.

Concentrated and be focus.

Benefits in performing standing shrug.

Standing shrug using is an exercise that help to train the neck muscles.

It help to train and gives you strong back.

It is one of the great exercise that build your back.

It help to strengthen and build upper back.

It help to partially train lower back so more strength.

It help to build a good back shape.

It help for more strength muscle.

It help to train your traps muscles.

It is good for trapezius isolations.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Barbell Bent Over Rows.

Position yourself place the bar on the floor in front of yourself, bend forward from the hips and keep your back flat and slightly bending your knees stand with your feet parallel and with your shoulder-width apart.

Slowly lift the bar away from the the floor and position yourself the for this exercise is an overhand grip, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, your torso should be parallel to the ground and your arms should be fully extended.

Train and extend the size of your back with barbel bent over rows.

The barbell bent-over rows is an effective back exercise to train and build more back muscles, it is great exercise to train upper back and also partially train give more strength at the lower back too. Barbell bent-over also known as compound movement it is a great exercise for the neck, traps muscles.

It can be performed using barbell or dumbbells its can also be performed with the universal machine bench press. Barbell bent-over is an excellent training exercise for the back, neck and trapezius muscle.

when you are using barbell bend, forward from the hips and keeping your back flat and slightly bend your knees. It is advised not to over weight yourself, keep focuse and concentrate throught. put your safty belt on to prevent yoor back from injuries.

How to perform the barbell bentover barbell rows.

Position yourself place the bar on the floor in front of yourself, bend forward from the hips and keep your back flat and slightly bending your knees stand with your feet parallel and with your shoulder-width apart.

Slowly lift the bar away from the the floor and position yourself the for this exercise is an overhand grip, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, your torso should be parallel to the ground and your arms should be fully extended.

Barbell Bent Over Rows
Barbell Bent Over Rows

Pull the bar towards your lower chest slowly until it touches the lower part of the your rib cage, hold the position for a second ot 2 before lower the bar to the starting position then, exhale as you go. The up motion should be slightly slower than the lower motion. keep concentration and focus on lifting the weight then, repeat the process to your desired reps.

Precautions to take when performing bent-over barbell rows.

Keep your back flat throughtout.

Slightly bend your knees do not hollow your back when performing the exercise.

Grab the bar with an overhand grip and make your hands slightly wider than the shoulder-length.

Positioned yourself verry well and do not hollow back.

Slowly lower and lift slowly.

Don’t be too fast move move slowly.

Put on your safety weight lifting belt to protect your back from injuries.

Hold the up position for a second or 2 before lower back.

The up motion should be slightly slower that the down motion.

Be concentrated and be focus.

The bar should not fall off or stray away from your hands.

Benefits in performing barbell bent-over rows.

The bent-over barbell row help to train and boost more strong back.

It is one of the great exercise that help build back.

You can strengthen and build your upper back.

It help to train and strenghen lower back the partially.

It give you a good back shape.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Dumbbell Side Bend Muscles worked.

Bend to the your side left or right but, without twisting the upper body and don’t move, bend as far as you can to the other of your side.
Your hips and your legs must be remaining still till the end of the exercise.

Train and perfect your obliques with dumbbell side bend abdominal exercise.

Dumbbell side bend is an oblique abdominal exercise, it is one of the best efficient side exercise that help to train the muscles at the side of abdominals.
It is performed bending the upper body side way , without twisting upper body, you only have to bend your upper body though more to this is, not to twisting it. Dumbbell side bend can be performed in alternative to barbell side bend.
Dumbbell side bend is also the best alternative to the cable side bend pulley.

It can be perform holding two dumbbells at a time or holding one dumbbell at a time but, it is advised to perform it holding one dumbbell at a time for not to put too much pressure on the hips and for you can be able to rest the second side while training the other.

How to do dumbbell side bend.

Stand straight forward and be still, while still looking straight forward, put one of your hand on your waist, and hold a dumbbell. looking straight forward, strait your head and your shoulder.

It is advise to start with the low weight 12 to 20 kg is recommended to hold in order to prevent yourself from overweight that can lead to injuries. Do not twist your upper body.
Let your feet be at your shoulder width When you are standing keep your heels down throughout the entire exercise.

Barbell Bent Over Rows
Barbell Bent Over Rows

Bend to your side left or right but, without twisting the upper body and don’t move, bend as far as you can to the other of your side.
Your hips and your legs must be remaining still till the end of the exercise.

Lower the dumbbell slowly close your thigh and stretch the side of you abdominals at the lowest position.

Let the other hand remain always on your waist. Be focus don,t let the dumbbell t fall off or stray away from your hand.

Then, return to back to the starting position slowly, exhale as you go and get some rest, repeat the process again to your desire reps, 20 to 25 repetitions for each side is advised.

It is advised to be concentrate throughout the exercise and make sure to not overweight yourself.And remember that the returning motion should be slightly slower than the bending motion.

Safety guide to take for dumbbell side bend performance.

Bend only your upper body and not twisting it.

The rest of your body should remain straight throughout the performance.

Do not twist your upper body standing still.

Don’t look downward, look straight forward.

hold on to your position don’t not lean forward or backward.

keep your heels down throughout the entire exercise.

Your hips and your legs must be remaining still throughout.

The other hand should remain always on your waist.

Stand still and be straight.

Don’t be too rush.

Putting too much pressure on hips may get you hurt.
It is advised to perform it holding one dumbbell at a time.

Get yourself some rest in between reps.

The returning motion should be slightly slower than the bending motion.

Do not swing the dumbbell away from hands.
It is advised to do 20 to 25 repetitions for each side and to hold in-between 12 to 20kg dumbbell weight.

health benefits in performing dumbbell side bend.

Dumbbell side bend helps to train your oblique.

It gives you a perfect abdominal side muscles.

It is one of the best abdominal exercises that trains the side abdominals.

It also help develop abdominal muscles and gives more abdominal strength.

it help to prevent stomach disorder.

It helps to perfect oblique.

It help to train your oblique muscles.

It help to lose excess belly fat.

Dumbbell side bend is one of the best abdominal exercise you can do to train your abdominals and your oblique to look great and healthy.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Triceps Dip With One Bench – Triceps Exercise.

Grab the edge of the bench with your hands move down slowly, while still keeping your back close to the bench your elbows should move back as you go down

Triceps dip with one bench triceps exercise that you can perform anywhere.You are going to be using your body weight to train your triceps on this exercise. It is a great home triceps exercise.

The triceps deep in one bench is one of the effective triceps exercise that you can perform at home or anywhere you are.

You can performed this exercise at home on the edge of your chair or your bed. you can also perform triceps dip on the edge of a bench.

How to perform triceps dips with one bench.

Position yourself and grab the edge of the bench with your hands in each sides of the flat bench.

Your elbows should be staying close to each other and your fingers should be pointing out toward your legs. The distance between your hands should not be less than 1 foot.

You may have to turn your hands in a little to pretty much convenient your hands. You may dip down bending your knees if you like Your arms should be fully extended.  Your hands should stay parallel throughout the performance of the exercise.

You should be looking straight forward don’t look down, this exercise can also performed with your knees extended.

 triceps dips with one bench
triceps dips with one bench


Then, move down slowly, while still keeping your back close to the bench your elbows should move back as you go down, inhale as you go. Don’t shrink your shoulders up, move down slowly until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.

Squeeze only your triceps but do not shrink your shoulders up as you move down. Move down until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Then, push yourself back again until your arms are fully extended. do not open your elbows during performance.

Don’t go down too deep, and more to this is that it is advise not to perform the triceps dips with one bench if you have a shoulder pain or problems on your shoulder.

The bench must be strong enough to hold your weight and don’t let your hands sleep away or stray off of the side of the bench.

Don’t create momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardized the good performance of this exercise.

Look straight forward throughout and keep your elbows close the, you can repeat the process again prior to your desire reps. The up motion should be slightly faster than the down motion. Use the the the same position if you are performing it at home or wherever you are performing it.

Precautions and safety guide for triceps dips with one bench.

Position yourself correctly and extend fully.

Take your position and grab the edge of the bench with your fingers pointing out toward your legs.

Let your elbows stay close to each other.

Your arms must be extended fully.

Don’t let your hands sleep off or stray off the side of the bench.

The distance between your hands should not be less than 1 foot.

The bench must be able to hold your weight.

Keep a correct performance and be concentrate.

Your elbows must not move back as you go down your hands should stay parallel throughout the performance of this exercise and keep your back close to the bench.

Don’t create momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardized the good performance of this exercise.

Move down until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.

You must be looking straight forward.

The up motion should be slightly faster than the down motion.

Do not open your elbows during the performance as you move down do not shrink your shoulders up.

It is advised not to dip down too far or not to perform this exercise especially if you have shoulder problems.

Makes sure that you are performing it on something that is strong enough to reg your weight.

Benefits in performing triceps dips with one bench.

It help to train the triceps.

The dip with one bench is a great exercise for the triceps muscles.

It is one of the exercise that help to train the triceps it also help strengthen your triceps.

It gives more triceps muscle and allows for mass muscles.

It can be performed at home or anywhere.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise


Reverse Barbell Curl Standing.

grab the barbell with an overhand grip. Keep your elbows still and close to your waist. Your fingers should be on the top of the bar and your thumbs are on the bottom

Reserve barbell curl forearm exercise with an overhand grip.

Reverse barbell curl is one the great exercise that help to train the forearm muscles, it can be performed seating down on a preacher bench or standing and hold the barbell.

Reverse barbell curl is similar to the barbell biceps curl but the grab is what make it to be different. Reverse barbell curl also train the biceps muscles partially.

Reverse Barbell Curl Standing 1
Reverse Barbell Curl Standing 1
Reverse Barbell Curl Standing 1
Reverse Barbell Curl Standing 1

It is performed with an overhand grip while the barbell biceps curl is performed with an underhand grip. It is one of the forearm exercise to train and strengthen your forearm muscles. To start with the reverse barbell curl you need a straight bar or an EZ-bar.

Reverse barbell curl muscles worked.

Position yourself very well, stand looking straight forward and grab the barbell with an overhand grip.

Keep your elbows still and close to your waist. Your fingers should be on the top of the bar and your thumbs are on the bottom, your hands should be at your shoulder width and the upper arms remain vertical to your body. Slightly round your back but do not lean back.

Then, Slowly curl the weight up and don’t move your legs, curl up until your hands are over the elbow height and exhale as you go.

Your back and your upper arms must remain still throughout. carefully curl down until your elbows are fully extended. Load the weight that you power can control. don’t lean back or move your your legs when you curl up the barbell.

lower the barbell back to the beginning position slowly, pit it in mind that the down motion should be slightly slower than the down motion, your legs most not move around during the performance.

Be focus and in control of the weight do not let it fall or stray off of your hands and you may need to be observed by an expert or a personal trainer. then, you can repeat the process again to your desired reps. concentrated throughout the performance, do not create any momentum or difficulties to yourself during the performance.

Precautions and safety guide to take when doing reverse barbell curl.

Keep your elbows still and close to your waist.

Your fingers must be on the top of the bar and your thumbs on the bottom.

Grab the barbell with an overhand grip.

Your hands must be at your shoulder width and the upper arms remain vertical to your body.

Round your back slightly.

Do not lean back during the curling.

Don’t move too fast and be still

Curl the weight up slowly and go back to the beginning slowly.

Lower down until your elbows are fully extended.

The down motion must be slightly slower than the down motion.

Your back and your upper arms must remain still throughout.

Your legs most not move around during the performance.

Moderate the weight for more efficient.

Load the weight that your can power can control and don’t overweight yourself.

The weight must not fall or stray off of your hands.

You must be in full control throughout the performance.

Keep a good position and be concentrate.

Benefits in doing reverse barbell curl.

The reverse barbell curl helps to train the arms muscle and partially train the biceps.

It is a great exercise that help to add more strength to your arms.

It also helps to train the wrist.

It help to train the forearm and the wrist.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Reverse Preacher Muscles Curls.

Reverse preacher curls can be performed with both dumbbells and barbell or the universal cable machine. It is advised to use the EZ bar but, the straight bar can also do it fine, you can start with one arm at a time using the dumbbells or with the barbells

Reverse preacher curl for more forearms muscle.

The reverse preacher curls is a great exercise that help to train forearms muscles. It is one of the effective forearms exercise that partially trains the biceps.

Reverse preacher curls can be performed with both dumbbells and barbell or the universal cable machine. It is advised to use the EZ bar but, the straight bar can also do it fine, you can start with one arm at a time using the dumbbells or with the barbells.

How to perform barbell reverse preacher curls.

position yourself very well Sit down on a preacher curl bench and grab the barbell with an overhand grip.

Your upper arms should be flat on the arm support of the preacher bench throughout the exercise. So, slowly curl up the weight without elevating your shoulders and inhale.

Curl up until the bar is approximately 20 cent metre from your shoulders or before its reach the vertical level.

Reverse Preacher  Muscles Curls
Reverse Preacher Muscles Curls

Then, extend your arms slowly as far as you can or to your elbows convenient and exhale as you go.

You should not elevate your shoulders and your elbows throughout the process.

Do not overweight for this exercise and keep your elbows slightly close to each other.

Your arms should be parallel together throughout. Load the weight that your power can control and don’t let the weight fall or stray away from your hands.

The level advised for the lowering down is at least 175 degree and do lower down slowly to prevent injuries to your elbows. make sure that the gip use is an “overhand grip” your hands over the barbells, for exercise the grip is what makes it to be different from the normal preacher curls

Repeat the process again to your desire reps. Do not create momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardized the good performance to yourself.

During this exercise you may need to be supervised by an expert or a personal trainer on this exercise.

Precautions and safety guide to take during reverse preacher curls performance.

Grab the barbell well and use an overhand grip.

Hold the bar tight to your hands don’t let the weight fall off your hands of stray away.

curl up the weight slowly without elevating your shoulders.

Lower down slowly to prevent injuries to your elbows.

You should not elevate your shoulders and your elbows throughout the process.

Do not overweight for this exercise to prevent yourself from getting hurt.

Load the weight that your power can control

keep your elbows slightly close to each other and your arms should be parallel together throughout.

Your upper arms should be flat on the arm support of the preacher bench throughout

It is advised to lower down to at least 175 degree.

Benefits in performing reverse preacher curls.

It train the arms muscle.

Reverse preacher curl help train your arms and your forearms muscle.

It is one of the best and effective forearms exercise to train your arms and also train your wrist.

It help train biceps and strengthen it.

Reverse preacher curl partially train your biceps and add more strength to your arms.

This forearms exercise will helps you strengthen your arms boost more muscles and train your forearms muscles.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Barbell Flat Bench Press- Chest Exercise.

Barbell bench press is one of the best chest exercise that help in training and boost more chest strength, muscles density.

How To Perform Barbell Flat Bench Press.

Barbell bench  press is one of the best chest exercise that help in training and boost more chest strength, muscles density.

This is an exercise that provides big returns for the energy you give out. It is also known as “flat bench bar press”

It is one of the best chest exercise that helps to build strength and muscle that is required not just in chest zone area but, also in triceps and in the front side of your shoulders as well.

How to perform barbell bench press.

To start with this exercise, it is advised to use a spotter especially if, you are using a free bar or dumbbells to eliminate the chances of dropping the weight on yourself.

Barbell Flat Bench Press
Barbell Flat Bench Press

Using a spotter is very important for it can be of great help to save you from getting hurt by the weight.

positions very well and lie down on the flat bench firmly positing your feet flat on the floor a little more than your shoulder that is width apart.

Make sure to keep your back flat on the bench . so, hold the barbel above your body , then make sure you lower down slowly to the middle of your chest.

Drive the barbell up over the middle of your chest until your arms are straight and your elbows are locked. Pause briefly at the top, then lower slowly back to the starting position.

Take care and make sure you are are in total control, do not let the weight control you don ‘t bounce the weight off your chest , you may need to be assisted by fitness expert or some one that can assist you all along.

Precautions and safety guide to take when performing barbell bench press.

Make sure that you are warmed up before any form of weight training , go the cardio machine warm yourself up for at list 5 minutes prior to hitting before hitting the weights.

Do not start with cold body. It might be very bad idea and also make sure that you are in good health before stating by consulting your doctor .

If you are having any physical or heart problems it is advised to contact first your doctor whom will be able to advise you as to which exercise he think are the best for your condition.

It is advised to rest for at least a minute after the warm-up sets and two minutes between heavy sets.

You don’t need to rush yourself stay calm and be concentrate have a time countdown for yourself.

You must be painstakingly careful throughout the exercise the weight must not fall or stray away from your hands and do not overweight yourself on this exercise.

Load the weight that your power can afford. Overweight can lead to impossible to control and jeopardised the performance. Do not create any difficulties or momentum that can jeopardize the good performance.

Health benefits in performing barbell bench press.

It helps build strength Barbell bench press helps in building more strength and energy, it is one of the best chest exercise that provides great strength and energy in return.

It help train the muscle density, Its train the muscles in front of the of shoulders and the triceps muscles.

Barbell bench press not only will it helps with good strength and energy but also train and refine your chest muscles.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Close Grip Chin Up Muscle Work- Bicep Back Exercise.

And make sure that the bar is strong enough to hold your weight when you hang up on it. Close grip chin up helps with mass building in biceps. It is performed focusing and keeping your hands close together on a high bar and lift your body up from the floor.

Close grip chin up muscles worked

It is one of the great exercise that help in training biceps and back at the same time. Close grip chin ups is an exercise that you can do wherever you are as far this exercise is concern, all you need is a straight bar.

And make sure that the bar is strong enough to hold your weight when you hang up on it. Close grip chin up helps with mass building in biceps. It is performed focusing and keeping your hands close together on a high bar and lift your body up from the floor.

Do not swing or twist when your are performing this exercise, be concentrated focus on pulling yourself up slowly and back to the start position.

Close grip chin up performance and guide.

High straight bar that can hold your weight is needed for performance of this exercise you need to make sure that you can reach the bar from your standing position if you not reach then, you may need to support yourself. Or if you can jump-up a little for you to able to grab the bar with your hands.

Take care of yourself do not fall off during the process grab the bar tight. Grip the bar with an underhand grip and your hands should be right outside your chin on either side in a short distance apart. Remember that your palms should be facing front of you.

Then, slowly pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar and inhale as you do, then slowly go back down exhale. Your chin must over the bar and do not twist or swing yourself off the bar.

Close Grip Chin Up
Close grip chin up performance

you may need to Put-on your protective hand glove and make sure that the bar you are using is really strong or stable enough to hold your weight. You may need to be observed by an expert or personal trainer.

The down motion should be slightly slower than up motion. Do not create any momentum or difficulties to yourself. Your back should be straight throughout. Repeat the process again to your desire reps.

Safety steps to take during the Close grip chin ups exercise.

Grab the bar with an underhand grip. Underhand grip is the type for the Close grip chin ups and that is way you are going to grab the bar, support yourself if your hands can not reach the top of the bar from your standing position.

wherever you are going to to be doing this exercise take care make sure that the bar you are using is strong enough to hold your weight.

Keep your palms facing you and Your hands should be right outside your chin on either side in a short distance apart.

Move slowly don’t move too fast. slowly go down and pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar. make sure that the down motion is slightly slower than up motion. Be concentrate and focus on the pulling and hold the bar tight and take care do not fall off the bar.

Make sure that your body is straight Keep your back and your body straight during the performance, don’t twist your body or swing yourself off the bar. Do not hollow your back or create any difficulty to yourself when performing this exercise.

Benefit in performing Close grip chin ups.

It help to train biceps Close grip chin ups is one the best biceps exercise to train your biceps muscles for more mass muscles. it helps in developing more size in the biceps and add more strength to it.

It help to focus on your biceps and boost strength. Close grip chin up lead to biceps train that boost more muscles.

It can be done out of the gym Close grip chin up is one of the exercise that you can do at anywhere. You don’t need to be at the gym for you to perform this exercise but, you need a strong straight high bar though that can hold your weight when you hang up on it.

It help to train back It is two in one back exercise Close grip chin ups work your back as well biceps. It helps with more strength and reduce pain in your back. It is a good exercise to ton your back more better.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Reverse Wrist Curl Seated.

The reverse wrist curl is one of the great and effective exercise to train outside of the forearms. It can be performed sitting down, grabbing barbell with an overhand grip and curl.

The reverse wrist curl is one of the great and effective exercise to train outside of the forearms. It can be performed sitting down, grabbing barbell with an overhand grip and curl.

The normal wrist curl train the insides of the forearm and you can perform it in both standing and seating, while the reverse wrist curl seated train the outside and it is performed seating. Reverse wrist curl seated is one of the best exercise that train the outside of the forearm muscles.

Reverse wrist curl seated performance.

Position yourself very well and sit down on the edge of the flat bench. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip, mind you your fingers should be pointing down and put your forearms on your thighs or insides of the knees.

Move only your wrist throughout the performance, the rest of your arm should remain still.

Lock your elbows, your arm should remain parallel during and throughout the exercise, don’t move your elbows or your shoulders during the performance.

So, curl up the barbell slowly and hold the highest position for a seconds and exhale as you do, then move back slowly down and inhale as you go.

The weight must not fall or stray off of your hands, you must be in total control of the situations. Be focus and concentrate when you are curling the weight.

Reverse Wrist Curl Seated
Reverse Wrist Curl Seated

Do not overweight yourself during the performance and don’t let the weight hang on your relaxed wrist. it is advised to load the weight that your wrist can control.

You can also use the EZ-bar for the exercise but the be slightly bent. some used to use the straight bar for it is more convenient for them.

Your forearms muscles should be contracted at the lowest position of the curling. Repeat the process again to your desired reps. Do not create momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardized the good performance of this exercise.

Precautions and safety guide to take when performing Reverse wrist curl seated.

position yourself correctly and grab with an overhand grip. Grasp the barbell with your fingers point down while Sitting comfortable on the edge of the flat bench your arm should remain parallel during and throughout the exercise.

Move only your wrist during the performance, Put your forearms on your thighs or insides of the knees and lock your elbows.

Move slowly focus and concentrate, Slowly curl up the barbell, hold it for a send at the highest position and concentrate don’t overweight yourself during the performance.

The weight must not fall or stray off of your hands, don’t let the weight hang in your relaxed wrist and Make sure you don’t move your elbows or your shoulders during the performance.

Your forearms muscles should be contracted at the lowest position of the curling. Do not create momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardize the performance, keep a correct performance and be focus throughout.

Health benefits in performing reverse wrist curl seated.

It help to train the outside forearms reverse wrist curl seated helps train the arms muscle. It is a great exercise that helps train the wrist and partially train the biceps also.

It help add more strength to arms, the reverse wrist curl seated is of the best forearm exercise if you want to improve your arms strength. Its also help shape up your arms and add more straight to your wrist .


standing shrug

barbell bent over

barbell side bend

triceps dip with one bench

reverse barbell curl standing

triceps and shoulder push up

reverse preacher curl

incline dumbbell curl

cable crossover

deadlift for back

barbell flat bench press

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Seated Calf Raise – Calf Exercise.

The Seated calf raise is a great calf exercise that helps in training calf as well as boosting more stenght to it.

The Seated calf raise is a great calf exercise that helps in training calf as well as boosting more strength to it.

This exercise helps train calf and given a V shape at part of the muscle down to the achilles, tendon and also train the upper part of the calf muscle.

this exercise is also good for the your gastronomic muscle. Seated calf raise is one of the important calf exercise to train. It helps for the development of the soleus muscle to the lower calf.

The seated calf raise is performed using a seated calf raise machine, what you are going to do is to make sure the machine is adjusted and load the weight that you can afford and hang your legs tight to the foot pad.

Seated calf raises performance.

Position yourself correctly and adjust the seated calf raise machine in to your convenient.

Hang your leg tight to the leg pad and sit down on the seated calf raise machine.

Place your toes on the bottom crosspiece, hookup your knees under the crossbar pads so that the pads rest on the lower part of your quads the pads should be resting on your lower part of your quads.

Press up your toes until your calves are fully contracted. Try to flex it harder at the top and then, slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.

Slowly lower your heels as far as you toward the ground be concentrate focus on pressing and flexing your legs as you can.

You don’t need to overweight yourself on this exercise load a normal weight that you can be able to control. Concentrate on the rhythmic and the motion must be slow and steady.

When you keep working slowly and steadily throughout you should feel your calf walking during the performance keep your calf working all through. Repeat the process again to your desired repetitions. Don’t create any difficulties or anything that make you not focus during the perform.

Precautions and safety to take when performing seated calf raises.

Adjust the machine and keep a correct position. Make sure you adjust the machine according to your convenient or size of your leg, hooking your knees under the crossbar pads.

The pads must be resting on lower part of your quads and do not create any difficulty or momentum during the performance.

Move slowly don’t be too fast focus and concentrate, Keep your calf working slowly and steadily no need to rush yourself during the performance focus on flexing your calf harder at the top.

Lower the weight back slowly to the starting position. Don’t overweight load the normal weight that your power can control.

Health benefits in performing seated calf raise.

It helps in training calf and add more strength to it. Seated calf raise helps in training your calf effectively it is one of the best calf exercise that train and straighten legs.

It helps boost the calf muscles, it helps with the development of mass and power in your legs.

It helps add V shape to the calf it is also a great exercise that help develop the soleus muscle to the lower calf.

It helps shape up lower calf, seated calf raise is also an effective compound exercise, that helps increase muscle tissue.


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