How To Correctly Perform Standing Shrugs.

Grab the dumbbells with your hands at the shoulder-width apart slowly raise your shoulders upwards as high as you can toward your ears, rotate them backwards and down and repeat

Train and extend the size of your back, neck and shoulders with standing shrugs back exercise.

Standing shrug is also known as compound movement it is a great exercise that help to train the neck and traps muscles. It can be performed using barbell or dumbbells it can also be performed with the shrug machine.

I will be taking you on this post through the process and how to use this exercise to train and build a strong back at ease.

The Standing shrugs is one of the efficient back exercise to train and build strong back, it is great exercise to train your upper back and partially also give more strength at the lower part of the body.

Standing shrugs can be perform using the barbell standding forward from keeping your back straight and withouth bending your knees. It is an excellent exercise for the back, neck and trapezius muscle.

How to perform standing shrugs using the dumbbells!

Position yourself in correct position and stand straight with your feet planted firmly with your shoulder width apart.

Then grab the dumbbells with your hands at the shoulder-width apart. Your knees slightly bent.

Keep the bar held at straight arms length with a slight bent in your arms without hollow your back.

standing shrugs
standing shrugs

Then, slowly raise your shoulders upwards as high as you can toward your ears, rotate them backwards and down carefully, don’t overweight yourself so that yoo would be able to controled well when performing.

The up motion should be slightly slower than the lower motion.

Be concentrate focus and control the weight it must not fall off of your hands. Then, repeat the process again to your desired reps.

Precautions steps to take when performing standing shrugs.

Positioned yourself verywell and do not hollow your back.

Keep your back straight.

Do not hollow your back when performing the exercise.

Use an overhand grip.

Slowly lower and lift slowly.

The weight must not fall off or stray away from your hands.

Concentrated and be focus.

Benefits in performing standing shrug.

Standing shrug using is an exercise that help to train the neck muscles.

It help to train and gives you strong back.

It is one of the great exercise that build your back.

It help to strengthen and build upper back.

It help to partially train lower back so more strength.

It help to build a good back shape.

It help for more strength muscle.

It help to train your traps muscles.

It is good for trapezius isolations.


close grip benchpress

back extension

barbell side bend

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Around The World Dumbbell – Chest Exercise.

The around the world dumbbell chest exercise is aiming at boosting more extra chest pump it is one of the exercise you can never do away from when it comes to building chest muscle.

The around the world dumbbell chest exercise is aiming at boosting more extra chest pump it is one of the exercise you can never do away from when it comes to building chest muscle.

The around the world dumbbell press is a chest muscle exercise, you will be using an underhand grip for this exercise and a flat bench and dumbbells is what you need for the performance, you can perform the around the world at the end of your workout.

How to train chest with around the world dumbbell press.

keep a good position to yourself tight keep your elbows slightly bent and let the insides of the dumbbells touch each-other over your abdominal, while lining down on a flat bench and grab two dumbbells with an underhand grip.

Your palms should be facing up press your shoulder down slowly and contract your chest muscles.

Be focus and concentrate the dumbbells should be in horizontal for more extra chest muscle at the side abs don’t lift or lower hands or shoulders as you open your arms.

Then, inhale at the same time. Your back should be remained flat on the bench during the press move the dumbbells in a horizontal layer open your arms and keep your elbows still.

Keep on the moving in a horizontal layer until the dumbbells touch each other behind your head while still keeping the concentration and inhale as you go close your arms again and exhale at the same time repeat the process again to your desire repetitions.

around the world dumbbell press.

If you are having pain or shoulder problems , the advice is don’t do around the worlds don’t overweight your shoulder, you may injure your shoulders if you do so.

Let the dumbbells touch each other and contract your chest muscles. You might need a fitness supervisor ,an expert or someone to help you with the dumbbell weight in other to prevent injury .

Safety measures to take when performing around the world dumbbell!

keep your correct position and remain flat, Grab the dumbbells with your palms facing up keep your back still and flat on the bench throughout the press move the dumbbells in a horizontal layer open your arms and keep your elbows still .

Positioned yourself well keep your elbows should be slightly bent let the insides of the dumbbells touch each-other over your abdominal.

Move the dumbbells horizontally and be concentrate

Move horizontally and focus keep moving your hands slowly and horizontally let the dumbbell touches each other behind your head and let the insides of the dumbbells touch each-other over your abdominal.

Don’t lift or lower hands or shoulders as you open. Around the world should not be perform for those who is having problems with shoulder.

Don’t overweight your shoulders, focus more to gain more extra chest muscle at the side abs. you may to be assisted during the exercise.

Health benefits exercising around the world!

This is one the great chest press exercise is one the great and effective for an extra chest pump, it is bets exercise that help train the chest muscles for more strength and also boost more muscles to it.

The around the world dumbbells help to concentra the dumbbells horizontally to effective train the side abs and chest.


standing shrug

barbell bent over

barbell side bend

triceps dip with one bench

reverse barbell curl standing

triceps and shoulder push up

reverse preacher curl

incline dumbbell curl

cable crossover

deadlift for back

barbell flat bench press

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Cable Internal Rotation.

The Cable internal rotation is a shoulder exercise, it is best performed on a pulley machine and it can also be worked out by sitting on the floor.

The Cable internal rotation is a shoulder exercise, it is best performed on a pulley machine and it can also be worked out by sitting on the floor.

This exercise helps in training the biceps, inner shoulder muscle and in-between the collarbone and biceps.

Do not move your or rotate your other part of your body during the exercise, you only need to move your shoulder.

The cable internal rotation is one of the shoulder exercise that help in adding strength and more power, it is one of the great exercise that train the upper part of your shoulder muscle.

How to do the cable internal rotation-shoulder exercise.

Take good position and sit yourself tight on a bench or on the floor or even on your mat, you should be looking straight forward.

Do not look down and extend your legs in front of you. If you want you can also lean against something, hold the pulley handle with one of your hands and keep your elbow close to your waist.

Remain still,with the other part of your body, your upper arm should be aligned vertically and your elbow should be bending to the 90 degree.

then, slowly pull the handle horizontally to the left side for your trunk and don’t move your elbow.

You should be pulling the handle with the strength of your shoulder, use only the strength of your shoulder and inhale as you go. Go back to the beginning position and exhale as you go.

The opening-motion should be slightly slower than the closing motion when performing this exercise do not overweight your shoulder.

Is vert important to be focused and concentrated throughout the exercise. Performed with good care You may need to be observed by an expert or a personal trainer.

Never create any momentum or difficulties to yourself and do not twist your upper body for you might get it wrgh during the workout.

Your elbow should be staying closer to your waist as best as you can in order to be in alignment with your upper body.

Make sure that you only move your shoulders not the upper part of your body. Do not hollow your back when performing this exercise.

Then repeat the process again prior to your desired repetitions.

You might get injured so, do not overweight yourself or your shoulders may get hurt with that. load weight that your shoulders can control.

Be focus concentrate, do not let the handle of the pulley draw you back and the weight shouldn’t control you maintain the balance throughout the exercise.

Safety measures to take when doing the cable internal rotation.

Position yourself well and move only your shoulder make sure that the upper part of your body should be remaining still, only your shoulders should be move not all the part of your body throughout the exercise.

Don’t you look down look straight forward and don’t hollow your back or move your elbow throughout the performance.

You should be pulling the the handle with the strength of your shoulder Keep your elbow close to your waist and pull the handle with only the strength of your hands Your upper arm should be aligned vertically and your elbow should bend to the 90 degree.

Your back should be straight through the exercise. keep your back straight throughout, extend your legs in front of you and do not hollow your back when performing this exercise. Do not swing or twist your upper body that may get you injured.

The benefits in doing the Cable internal rotation.

It help to train the shoulders and also added more power and strength to it. Cable internal rotation is a shoulder exercise, it is best performed on a pulley machine and it can be started by sitting on the floor.

It also helps in training your biceps , inner shoulder muscle and in-between the collarbone and biceps.

It is one of the best exercise that train the upper part of your shoulder muscle.

It also helps in training the biceps and the upper part of the shoulders muscle. It is good for the deltoids and it helps train the front of the deltoid muscle. It can transform and add more strength to your shoulders joint. Cable internal rotation is also good for your shoulder extensions too.

It is advised not to overweight your shoulders or create momentum or difficulties during this exercise. The exercise must be performed with good concentration.


standing shrug

barbell bent over

barbell side bend

triceps dip with one bench

reverse barbell curl standing

triceps and shoulder push up

reverse preacher curl

incline dumbbell curl

cable crossover

deadlift for back

barbell flat bench press

one leg dumbbell calf raise


standing dumbbell biceps curl

dunkey calf raise

seated cable row

one arm dumbbell row

barbell lunge

forearm dumbbell or EZ

behind the back wrist curl

bench dip

plate front raise

Plate Front Raise-Shoulder Exercise.

This particular exercise also help to train the anterior, lateral deltoid it also helps in training the pectoral and serratus at the sometime with just only this exercise you can do more.

This particular exercise also help to train the anterior, lateral deltoid it also helps in training the pectoral and serratus at the sometime with just only this exercise you can do more.

The plate front raise is a shoulder exercise, it is one of the effective and important shoulder exercise that trains the front side of the deltoide. You can perform this exercise in a parallel stance the plate front raise is also performed standing and holding a plate with both hands.

Plate front raise is very effective exercise it is aiming at training and perfect your shoulders. it advised to be focus and to be concentrate throughout the exercise one may need may need some assistant or to be supervised by an expert or a personal trainer during the process.

How to train with the Plate front raise-shoulder exercise.

Take very good position and straight yourself tight then , grab a plate and hold it with both of your hands while standing upright with one of your leg slightly in in front.

It is advised to start with 5 to 10 kilograms and make sure you do not overweight your shoulders. Hold the weight that your power can control.

Your upper body should be straight and do not hollow your back when performing this exercise.

Make sure that you keep your abdominal slightly contracted. So, Contract your abdominal a little and still keep your shoulder. Your elbows should be slightly bend. Exhale as you lift the slowly and carefully.

your shoulder should be still throughout the exercise do not lean back during the lifting. It is also advised to perform this exercise in front of a mirror to make sure how straight are you during the exercise.

Do not elevate your shoulders and do not move your elbows. When you raised the plate to the highest level hold for a seconds or 2 before lower the weight, until the plate touches your thighs and inhale.

The down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion be concentrate and focus on lifting the weight make sure that the plate must not fall down nor stray of from your hands. Do not create any difficulties that can jeopardize the performance of this exercise.

Safety measures to take when performing Plate front raise.

Keep a correct position and never overweight yourself. positioned yourself very well and do not lean back when you lifting the weight your upper body should be straight and still.

keep your shoulder still throughout the exercise your elbows should be slightly bend do not hollow your back when performing this exercise.

Make sure you do not overweight your shoulders hold the weight that your power can control you may start with 5 to 10 kilograms.

keep your concentration be focus and move on slowly. Concentrate yourself very well make sure that you keep your abdominal slightly contracted do not elevate your shoulders and do not move your elbows.

When you raised the plate to the highest level hold the position for a seconds or two, lower the weight, until the plate touches your tights do not create any difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance the plate must not fall down from your hands.

The down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion.

Health benefits in performing Plate front raise.

The plate front raise help in training the shoulder and also add more strength Plate front raise helps train shoulder it train front of your delts it also good for side deltoide.

It is good for shoulder extension and add strength to your shoulders joint. it help train the anterior, lateral deltoide it also helps in training the pectoral and serratus at the sometime.


standing shrug

barbell bent over

barbell side bend

triceps dip with one bench

reverse barbell curl standing

triceps and shoulder push up

reverse preacher curl

incline dumbbell curl

cable crossover

deadlift for back

barbell flat bench press

EZ or barbell rollout

close grip chinup

barbell calf raise standing

Bench Dip – Triceps Exercise.

To do this exercise you are going to be using your hands to support your waist. It is great alternative for the dips on the dip machine.

To do this exercise you are going to be using your hands to support your waist. It is great alternative for the dips on the dip machine.

The different between the two of them is that bench dips is triceps performed with two flat bench while the dips on the dip machine is perform with the dip machine.

The bench dips is triceps exercise that trains your triceps and allows for your body weight and it is performed on two flat bench.

How to bench dips and train triceps

Position yourself tight while grabbing the side of the flat bench with your hands and your front facing the other. Place the two flat benches parallel to each other depend on how long or tall you are but it is advised to be at least 3 to 4 feet apart from each other.

Then lift your feet to the top of the other bench so that the rest of the your body is suspended between the two benches. Make sure that your hands is not fall off or stray away from the side of the bench.

Lower your body toward the floor by bending your elbows slowly until your upper arms and your forearms form a rent angle. Then Pause for a seconds at the bottom, then slowly raise your body back to the start position by straightening your arms.

You should not move your legs all around during the performance. Repeat the process again to your desire reps. The lower position should be slightly slower than the push up motion.

Focus do not let your hands stray off the bench You should be in full control of this exercise throughout. To protect your shoulders from injuries. It is advised to not go below the 90 degree angle because it can cause stress to your shoulders. You should not move your legs all around during the performance of this exercise.

Repeat the process again to your desire reps. The lower position should be slightly slower than the push up motion, you must be concentrate throughout the exercise. The flat benches should not not be shift off the floor during the performance. You may cross one foot over the other on top of the bench as you may prefer.

Do not create any momentum or difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance of this exercise.

Precautions and safety guide to take when performing the bench dips!

Make yourself a good position and that of the correct line. It is advised to place at least 3 to 4 feet apart from each other and lift your feet to the top of the other bench so that the rest of the your body is suspended between the two benches.

You may cross one foot over the other on top of the bench If you prefer the flat benches should not not be shift off the floor during the performance and make sure that your hands is not fall or stray away from the side of the bench. It is advised to not go below the 90 degree angle because it can stress to your shoulders.

Don’t be too fast and concentrate.

Don’t move too fast instead focus and concentrate. Bend your elbows slowly until your upper arms and forearms form a right angle the lower position should be slightly slower than the push up motion.

Be concentrate throughout and do not create any momentum or difficulties that can jeopardize the performance.

Be still and make a contract to your triceps, your legs must remain still on the flat bench don’t move your legs all around during the performance. Pause briefly for a seconds at the bottom for more contract on your triceps.

Health benefits in performing the bench dips!

It train and strengthen the triceps, the bench dips helps train the triceps.

It is one of the great triceps exercise that helps strengthen the triceps.

It gives more triceps muscle and also helps train chest.


standing shrug

barbell bent over

barbell side bend

triceps dip with one bench

reverse barbell curl standing

triceps and shoulder push up

reverse preacher curl

incline dumbbell curl

cable crossover

deadlift for back

barbell flat bench press

EZ or barbell rollout

close grip chinup

barbell calf raise standing

Barbell Behind The Back Wrist Curl-Wrist Exercise.

The barbell behind the back is great exercise that help train wrist flexor it is one of the best forearms exercise that train, contract and flex the flexors of the forearms muscles.

The barbell behind the back is great exercise that help train wrist flexor it is one of the best forearms exercise that train, contract and flex the flexors of the forearms muscles. The barbell wrist curl behind the back is an exercise to train the forearms for muscles and strengthen your grip. It is is normally performed standing while holding a barbel behind your back.

Be focus and concentrate don’t create or any momentum or anything that can jeopardise the exercise when performing the exercise.

You may need to be supervised on this exercise by an expert or personal trainer. You need to focus in targeting the flexor muscle throughout the performance.

Best way to perform perform barbell wrist curl behind the back.

keep a wright position you should be performing it standing mind-you and behind of a flat bench. So, while your feet at shoulder width apart, stand straight forward. Make sure to stand behind of a chair or a flat bench so that you will be able to rest or drop barbell on it after the performance.

Grab the barbell with an overhand grip with your hands about one shoulder width apart and your fingers pointing back. Do not close your hands too tight and look straight forward.

Your legs should be slightly bent and your arms extended. Pull your shoulders back a little and make sure that your elbows and your wrists is not move during the performance. Then, slowly slightly open the grip for the barbell to hang in your fingertips.

Barbell Behind The Back Wrist Curl
Barbell wrist curl behind the back

And slowly close your hands and roll the barbell up slowly and bend your hands up until your forearm muscles are fully flexed and contracted. concentrate make sure that the weight must not fall or stray away from your hands, bend your hands down again and open your grip, until the barbell hangs in your finger tips again. Repeat the process again prior to your desire resp.

Focus yourself to make a better training out of this performance do now overweight yourself and you must be in full control throughout the exercise. Load the weight that your power can control to prevent injuries.

Safety measures to take when performing barbell wrist curl behind the back!

Make a well better position for yourself and make sure to stand behind of a chair or a flat bench with-that you will be able to drop barbell on it after the performance.

Grab the barbell with an overhand grip make sure that your elbows and your wrists is not move. Do not close your hands too tight and look straight forward, stand straight forward with your feet at shoulder width apart, your legs should be slightly bent and your arms extended. Bend your hands up until your forearm muscles are fully contracted.

Be focus concentrate and don’t overweight yourself. This exercise should be performed with good concentration, the weight must not fall or stray away from your hands.

plus do not create momentum during the exercise. Don’t overweight yourself on this exercise, load the weight that your power can control to prevent injuries. You must be in full control throughout the exercise, you may also need assistant or to be supervised on this exercise.

Health benefits in working out Barbell wrist curl behind the back!

It help train and strengthen the wrist and the flexor. The Barbell wrist curl behind the back is of the best forearm exercise that helps train the forearms muscle, it train the wrist it also helps train the flexor muscles and add more strength to the arms.  Doing this forearms exercise will improve your arms strength, shape up your arms, more straight in your wrist and increase your arms muscle.


standing shrug

barbell bent over

barbell side bend

triceps dip with one bench

reverse barbell curl standing

triceps and shoulder push up

reverse preacher curl

incline dumbbell curl

cable crossover

deadlift for back

barbell flat bench press

EZ or barbell rollout

close grip chinup

barbell calf raise standing

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